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Social Podcatcher

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Project Overview

Podful’s main objective is to enable users to organize, and categorize their podcasts while getting personalized recommendations and connecting with friends and people with similar interests. However, what makes Podful standout even more than other podcast platforms is feature that allows users to save timestamps of any podcast they’re listening to and organize them in any way they’d like to refer to them later when needed. This feature is especially handy on a mobile podcast application as most users consume podcasts on the go.

Another significant feature Podful offers is its seamless import of podcasts users have already subscribed to and been listening to on other podcasts. This incentivizes the user to transition their podcast routines and habits over to this application because there is less effort involved.


After initial secondary research on the ways in which individuals consume podcasts, a list of user needs and pain points surfaced. I used this information to create a podcatcher that enhances the users' experience through not only the web and mobile, but also in the context of using CarPlay. 

My Role

Using competitive analysis as well as secondary and primary research, I gained an understanding of user needs. I then used these findings and user experience design principles to create Podful. 

Design Toolkit

Figma Logo.webp












The application feed page includes the navigation bar as well as two filtering tabs to look at content either by individuals being followed or groups the user has joined.

User's Personal Library 


The user has access to their personal podcast subscriptions, with the latest episodes being featured for easy access.

Player Screen

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The user has access to a feature that allows them to save specific parts of different podcasts as "podstamps" to refer back to when looking to retrieve specific information. 

Podful CarPlay

I explored the CarPlay feature of an application like Podful.


Clicking the following image will navigate you to an interactive prototype of the CarPlay application.

CarPlay Home.png

Podful Web

Podful is also offered in web format for inclusivity purposes.

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Let's connect!

Zahra Parsa

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